Thursday, October 11, 2007

Strategic Plan Details (Early Drafts)

The Working Group has been laboring to develop early drafts of tasks and timelines for the broader goals outlined in the Plan. They are listed below as links with their related parts of the plan outline. Most are in early stages of development. This plan will be brought to bear in the search for a new Minister for Multicultural Mission (Ethnic/Multicultural Missioner) and then brought into conversation with him or her and the Department of Mission and Office of Congregational Development for futher review and implementation.
We stress again that this is an early rough draft, and will require a great deal more effort for coordination of resources and leadership. We expect that the details will undergo significant revision as they are brought into concert with evolving structures at the Diocesan level, the Diocesan Visioning Process, and identified needs that arise on the ground of the diocese.

Working Theological Statement

I. Re-build vitality in our existing ethnic, multi-ethnic, and multicultural ministries

a. Assemble a working group to enter conversation with these ministries to help identify their needs and external and internal resources to meet these needs tasks and timeline

b. Plan for imminent leadership transitions in these ministries tasks and timeline

c. Attend to leadership wellness and support, both lay and ordained tasks and timeline

d. Proactively raise up and support lay leadership in these ministries tasks and timeline

e. Support these ministries’ efforts in attaining self-sufficiency, self-guidance, and self-determination

II. Plant at least two vital ethnic, multi-ethnic, and/or multicultural ministries

a. Identify ideal demographic locations for these new ministries

b. Engage nearby and interested parishes and missions to discern the viability of their support

c. Raise up leadership and help seek funding for these new ministries

d. Monitor the development of these ministries and build a list of “best practices” from their experience for use in the wider Diocese and Church

tasks and timelines for Part II

III. Foster reconciliation to help heal the history of marginalization of our ethnic and multicultural ministries

a. Build cross-cultural engagement into regular Diocesan events

b. Provide opportunities for existing ministries to document their experiences of marginalization
c. Create forums for truth telling and reconciliation tasks and timeline

IV. Nurture leadership at every level of the Diocese for multicultural, multiethnic, and ethnic ministries

a. Establish the permanent full-time position of Ethnic and Multicultural Missioner

b. Seek and support parishes and missions of the Diocese wanting to develop or already building ethnic, multicultural, and multi-ethnic ministries in their communities tasks and timeline

c. Further anti-racism training for ordained and lay leadership and development of structures of accountability to ensure adherence. see timeline below

d. Coordinate with existing educational and formation commissions and institutions in building new programs for training existing and new church leadership in cultural competency and essential language skills critical for ministry in the Bay Area see timeline below

e. Identify and nurture gifts for ministry in the interface between cultural communities see timeline below

f. Develop, in consultation with existing ministries, materials for the Diocese and wider Church about the unique ways Anglicanism and Christian discipleship may best be shared and lived in different cultural settings tasks and timeline

IV. c-f tasks and timeline

Proposed additional tasks list for facilitating congregations wishing to engage with their local context for ministry.

V. Build advocacy and support for immigrant and indigenous communities and all in need of the people in the Bay Area and Diocese

a. Strengthen the public voice of the Diocese for marginalized ethnic communities

b. Collaborate with existing social service ministries, and develop new ministries as needed, to offer tangible assistance for these communities

c. Address environmental racism in the ministry contexts of the Bay Area

Proposal for Monitoring Compliance